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Welcome! This blog is dedicated to my passion for nail polish, nail art and beauty in general. I share my manicure, some nail polish review, beauty stuffs and more... Enjoy!

Essie Splash of Grenadine

Alors comme promis voici le vernis que je porte depuis une semaine, Splash of Grenadine de la collection ESSIE Resort 2010. Il n'est pas très abimé et il a bien tenu je trouve ! C'est une couleur assez particulière, entre le rose et le parme. J'ai adoré le porter parce qu'il est vraiment spécial !

So as promised here is the polish that I wear for a week, Splash of Grenadine from ESSIE Resort Collection 2010. It is not very damaged and it held up well I think! The color is quite specifically, between pink and purple. I loved the cover because he is really special!




Essie Protein Basecoat / Essie Splash of Grenadine / Diamont Nubar Top Coat

Où acheter / Where to buy : See my shopping page

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