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Welcome! This blog is dedicated to my passion for nail polish, nail art and beauty in general. I share my manicure, some nail polish review, beauty stuffs and more... Enjoy!

April 2016 Nail Shopping Haul

April 2016 Nail Shopping Haul

Mon Haul du mois d'Avril est épic, je ne vais pas le cacher et c'est même un peu embarrassant. J'ai découvert quelques nouvelles marques Indie (Illyrian, Shleee Polish...) dans lesquelles j'ai pas mal investi, et puis il y a mes marques habituelles préférée aussi (Lilypad, Native War Paints...). Et vous le savez à cette période de l'année les nouvelles collections sont très colorées, flashys, fluos, tous ce que j'aime, donc c'est difficile de résister ! Bref ne soyez pas surprise, cette article est très long LOL.

My Haul of April is epic, I will not hide it and it's even a little embarrassing. I discovered some new brands Indie this month (Illyrian, Shleee Polish ...) in which I have invested a lot, and then there's also my usual favorite brands (Lilypad, Native War Paints ...). And you know at this time of year the new collections are colorful, bright, neon, all that I love, so it's hard to resist! So do not be surprised, this article is very long LOL.

Illyrian Polish We are the Weirdos Mister, Nymph, Necromancer, The Forces of Evil, Space Oddity, Howl at the Moon, Fabled, Malevolent, Pink Monkey Bird, Our Dreams Seem not Far Away, Unearthly Whisper & Ziggy Stardust.

Illyrian Polish We are the Weirdos Mister, Nymph, Necromancer, The Forces of Evil, Space Oddity, Howl at the Moon, Fabled, Malevolent, Pink Monkey Bird, Our Dreams Seem not Far Away, Unearthly Whisper & Ziggy Stardust.

Comme je vous disais j'ai découvert de nouvelles marques, dont Illyrian Polish. J'adore ses vernis à reflets intenses, ils sont sublimes et je compte bien en commander plein d'autres.

As I just told you I discovered new brands, including Illyrian Polish. I love their intense shimmer polishes, they are sublime and I plan to order many more.

Shleee Polish Blue's BFF, Video Girl, Ahh Bikini Bottom, Castle 2.0, Margaery, Water Under The Bridge, Mystic Mountain, The Couples Go By, Manicure, Ecto Cooler & Mermaid Lagoon.

Shleee Polish Blue's BFF, Video Girl, Ahh Bikini Bottom, Castle 2.0, Margaery, Water Under The Bridge, Mystic Mountain, The Couples Go By, Manicure, Ecto Cooler & Mermaid Lagoon.

J'ai également découvert Shleee Polish, et c'est la même histoire, les vernis de cette marque ont de superbes reflets, et sont super colorés. Ils n'en faut pas plus pour me convaincre et là encore je compte bien agrandir ma collection assez rapidement.

I also discovered Shleee Polish, and this is the same story, varnishes from this brand have amazing shimmers, and are super colorful. It does not require much more to convince me and I intend to expand my collection rather quickly.

Glam Polish Music is Magic, Truly Outrageous, Starlight Music, Everyone has a Secret Identity, I Got my Eyes on You, She's Got the Power, Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!, Without us You're Nothing & Showtime Syngergy Colors by Llarowe Did You Know You're My Hero?, Helen, You Make Me Smile, Like is a Highway, Bow Chicka Wow Wow, Loving Every Moment & Welcome to Whoville.

Glam Polish Music is Magic, Truly Outrageous, Starlight Music, Everyone has a Secret Identity, I Got my Eyes on You, She's Got the Power, Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!, Without us You're Nothing & Showtime Syngergy Colors by Llarowe Did You Know You're My Hero?, Helen, You Make Me Smile, Like is a Highway, Bow Chicka Wow Wow, Loving Every Moment & Welcome to Whoville.

J'ai aussi passé commande chez quelques unes de mes marques préférées. Je n'ai pas pu louper la collection Truly Outrageous de Glam Polish, franchement regardez ces couleurs c'est impossible de résister. Ca a été également impossible de résister à la nouvelle collection de CBL (des shimmer, encore des shimmers) et j'ai aussi trouvé quelques CBL exclusifs de la Paint The Rainbow Box qui sont super jolis.

I also ordered from some of my favorite brands. I could not miss the Truly Outrageous collection by Glam Polish, frankly look at these colors it is impossible to resist. It was also impossible to resist the new CBL collection (shimmers, lots of shimmers) and I also found some CBL exclusives from the Paint The Rainbow Box that are super pretty.

Lilypad Lacquer Nectar, Strawberry, Poptart, Dewy Morning, Kiss Kiss, You & Me, Coralista, Licoriche, Mystique, Sweet Tart, You Rock & Ochre.

Lilypad Lacquer Nectar, Strawberry, Poptart, Dewy Morning, Kiss Kiss, You & Me, Coralista, Licoriche, Mystique, Sweet Tart, You Rock & Ochre.

Lilypad Lacquer Storm, Forest, Royal, Field of Dreams, Skin Deep & Friends For Life. Lacquester CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8.4H2O, Rosé Gold, Katy Did Pink & Dragon Heart.

Lilypad Lacquer Storm, Forest, Royal, Field of Dreams, Skin Deep & Friends For Life. Lacquester CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8.4H2O, Rosé Gold, Katy Did Pink & Dragon Heart.

Vous êtes déjà au courant de mon addiction pour Lilypad Lacquer. Vous n'êtes donc pas étonnées de voir tous ces Lilypad acheté lors de la dernières restock (16 pour rentabiliser les frais de port), plus un exclusif de chez Hypnotic Polish et un custom (mais pa sle mien). J'ai aussi reçu ma pré-commande Lacquester passée chez Nail Whisperer. J'ai déjà vu des sneak peeks de la prochaine collection et ma collection va grandir un peu plus (Lacquester est un de ces nouvelle marque que j'affectionne beaucoup).

You are already aware of my Lilypad Lacquer addiction. So you're not even surprised to see all these Lilypad purchased during ast restock (16 exactly, to recoup shipping costs) plus an Hyptonic Polish exclusive and a custom (not mine though). I also received my Lacquester pre-order from Nail Whisperer. I've seen sneak peeks of the next collection and my collection will grow a little more (Lacquester is one of those newly discovered brand that I like a lot).

Lou it Yourself Beg the Question, The Rest is History, Avoid it Like the Plague, Selling like Hotcakes, Let Bygones Be Bygones, Car Got Your Tongue?, When It Rains it Pours, I'm Fonda your Flora, Street Petaler, Ultra Violets, Buzz on the Streets. China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy.

Lou it Yourself Beg the Question, The Rest is History, Avoid it Like the Plague, Selling like Hotcakes, Let Bygones Be Bygones, Car Got Your Tongue?, When It Rains it Pours, I'm Fonda your Flora, Street Petaler, Ultra Violets, Buzz on the Streets. China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy.

Une autre marque que je viens juste de découvrir et j'aime plutôt pas mal, c'est Lou it Yourself. J'adore leur nouvelle collection fluo et la collection de printemps qui est pas mal colorée également. En parlant de fluo j'ai finalement trouvé un back-up de mon vernis préféré (et mon go to pour mes pédicure l'été) China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy, la version originale.

Another brand that I just discovered and I like a lot, it is Lou it Yourself. I love their new neon collection and the spring collection as well, which is also pretty colorful. Speaking of neon I finally found a backup of one of my favorite polish (and my go to for my pedicure during summer) China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy, the original version.

Pipe Dream Polish Keep Calm, Positives Vibes, Peace Out, Chillax, Take it Easy, Unwind, Whitewater, Atrament, Impromptu Polish #4, Sunset Rose. Bow Polish Zodiac.

Pipe Dream Polish Keep Calm, Positives Vibes, Peace Out, Chillax, Take it Easy, Unwind, Whitewater, Atrament, Impromptu Polish #4, Sunset Rose. Bow Polish Zodiac.

Comme vous avez pu le voir je me suis mise au watermarble récemment, et j'aime ça, donc quand j'ai vu que Pipe Dream Polish sortait une nouvelle collection, The Mellowed Out Cremes, je n'ai pas hésité longtemps. Ces vernis sont supers pour le watermarble ! J'ai également commandé le evrnis blanc et noir pour le watermarble, mais aussi Impromptu Polish #4 & Sunset Rose. J'ai aussi commandé mon premier vernis Bow car j'étais curieuse de tester cette marque.

As you could see I started to Watermarble a lot recently, and I like that, so when I saw that Pipe Dream Polish came out with a new collection, The Mellowed Out Cremes, I did not hesitate long. These polishes are great for Watermarble! I also ordered the white and black polish for Watermarble, and Impromptu Polish # 4 & Sunset Rose. I also ordered my first Bow polish because I was curious to try out this brand.

Native War Paints Prototype #8, #7, #6, Never Tear Us Apart, No Tricks Here, Zombie Unicorns Love Brains, Gourds Galore, You Sure Have Changed Since Yesterday & Cup of Joe. Cupcake Polish Poor Unfortunate Souls & Bad Santa.

Native War Paints Prototype #8, #7, #6, Never Tear Us Apart, No Tricks Here, Zombie Unicorns Love Brains, Gourds Galore, You Sure Have Changed Since Yesterday & Cup of Joe. Cupcake Polish Poor Unfortunate Souls & Bad Santa.

Ma collection de Native War Paints commence à bien grandir, mais cela ne m'empêche pas de toujours en commander de nouveaux, surtout quand il sont en edition limitée ou en solde ! J'ai aussi commande quelques Cupcake Polish exclusifs de la Paint The Rainbow Box qui sont super jolis.

My Native War Paints collection begins to grow pretty well, but this does mean that I cannot buy more, especially when there are limited edition or on sale! I also order 2 Cupcake Polish exclusives from the Paint The Rainbow Box that are super pretty.

NWP Monthly Box March 2016 & April 2016. For the Love of Polish April 2016. Anonymous Lacquer 701° Fahrenheit, Impossible Dreams & Perez Pink.

NWP Monthly Box March 2016 & April 2016. For the Love of Polish April 2016. Anonymous Lacquer 701° Fahrenheit, Impossible Dreams & Perez Pink.

Vous avez pu le voir j'ai testé pas mal de nouvelle box (enfin nouvelles pour moi), la NWP Monthly Box (que je vais continuer), For the Love of Polish Box et la Awesome Sauce Indie Box (que je re-commanderai à l'occasion quand les vernis me plairont). J'ai aussi commandé 3 group customs chez Anonymous Lacquer (une autre de ces nouvelle marque que j'affectionne beaucoup).

You may have seen I have tested a lot of new boxes this past month (at least new to me), the NWP Monthly Box (I'll continue to get this one), For the Love of Polish Box and Awesome Sauce Indie Box (That I will re-order occasionally when the polishes will appeal to me). I also ordered 3 group customs from Anonymous Lacquer (another of the new brand that I like a lot).

Awesome Sauce Indie Box march 2016. Different Dimension The Eagle Has Landed, Houston We Have a Problem & Give Me Love. Yves Rocher Champagne Rose Givré, Top Coat Argenté, Rose Dahlia & Lilas.

Awesome Sauce Indie Box march 2016. Different Dimension The Eagle Has Landed, Houston We Have a Problem & Give Me Love. Yves Rocher Champagne Rose Givré, Top Coat Argenté, Rose Dahlia & Lilas.

Je ne commande pas souvent chez Different Dimension, mais il y avait 2-3 vernis qui me tentait pas mal. J'ai aussi reçu des vernis Yves Rocher, un cadeau de ma soeur; Ils sont vraiment jolis et j'aime beaucoup le packaging.

I do not often order from Different Dimension, but there was 2-3 polishes I was interested in. I also received some Yves Rocher polish, a gift from my sister; They are really pretty and I love the packaging.

Sinful Colors Kurtsey, Silhouette, King Size, Kommotion, Kashmere, Krushed Velvet, Mauve On, Karma. Revlon DayDreamer. Nvr Enuff Polish Fortune Teller.

Sinful Colors Kurtsey, Silhouette, King Size, Kommotion, Kashmere, Krushed Velvet, Mauve On, Karma. Revlon DayDreamer. Nvr Enuff Polish Fortune Teller.

Je vous le disez déjà le mois dernier, j'étais en quête des 3 collections Sinful Colors & Kylie Jenner. J'ai avait déjà trouvé 2, et ce mois-ci j'ai enfin trouver la dernière, et j'ai pris tous les vernis qui me plaisaient. Ces vernis sont per jolis, avec un fini matte, une super formule, à un prix imbattabe ($2.99). En allant au drustore pour trouver ces vernis, j'ai aussi trouvé ce nouveau Revlon, juste magnique il me le fallait. J'ai aussi reçu le group custom Nvr Enuff, je suis pas cependant pas sure de l'aimer tant que ça (c'était une couleur mystère) il faudra que je l'essaye.

I already told you last month, I was in search of the three Sinful Colors & Kylie Jenner collections. I had already found two last month, and this month I finally find the last one, and I got all the polishes that I liked. These are beautiful, with a matte finish, a great formula, at an unbeatble price ($2.99). While browsing the drustore for these, I also found this new Revlon, just magnificent, I needed it. I also received the Nvr Enuff custom group, I'm not sure I like it that much (it was a mystery color) I'll have to try it.

Femme Fatale Cosmetics Prim & Copper, Wine & Dandy, Paramour & Ambrosial. Enchanted Polish, Januaty, February, March 2016 & Monster Ink. Emily de Molly Summer Skies.

Femme Fatale Cosmetics Prim & Copper, Wine & Dandy, Paramour & Ambrosial. Enchanted Polish, Januaty, February, March 2016 & Monster Ink. Emily de Molly Summer Skies.

Et enfin pour finir, 4 nouveaux Femme Fatale (des vernis exclusifs Hypnotic Polish et Rainbow Connection), les nouveau Enchanted Polish monthlys (cette année c'est shimmer, je suis trop contente) ainsi que Monster Ink (enfin trouvé) et un vernis Emily de Molly (Rainbow Connection exclusif).

And finally, 4 new Femme Fatale (exclusives from Hypnotic Polish & Rainbow Connection), the new Enchanted Polish monthlys (this year it's shimmer, I'm so happy), Monster Ink (finally found) and one Emily de Molly (Rainbow Connection exclusive).

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ca me fait grave rêver!!! chez toi c'est un vrai magasin *-*<br /> gros bizz
Oui c'est un peu ça LOL